Hospital Guide Foundation (HGF)- For a Stronger Healthier Rural India! (NGO- a company under Section 8, Registered under sections 12A & 80G)


Services rendered by Hospital Guide Foundation are commendable. I have used the services and find them to be reliable, professional and prompt.

-(Late) Justice A.M. Ahmadi (Ex-Chief Justice of India)

My admiration for hospital guide you are doing heroic work and helping so many people, very well done and keep up your efforts.

- Rajyashree Kumari (Princess of Bikaner)

I wanted to convey a big thanks to Hospital Guide and to let you know my entire family really appreciates the relentless efforts to help and support us through our most difficult time of need by always recommending us the right doctors & hospitals and providing the medical opinions along with validating references to help us make the right decisions all along for my mothers cancer treatment. It was an extremely complex situation & having received multiple contradictory medical advise by qualified doctors and practitioners, we had completely lost trust & felt the system had entirely broken down ! We are so very glad & happy that we reached out to Hospital Guide for help, support & guidance to support us in making the right critical decisions & steer us in the right direction ! Your guidance & the Doctors you put us through are a world apart, highly experienced, professional & acting responsibly & being very sensitive & understanding while addressing our concerns. That really made all the difference & we knew we were in good care & could trust them with our lives ! I'm happy to let you know my mothers recovering really well. You're truly really a lifesaver !! We wish Hospital Guide all the very best for future endeavours.God Bless !

- Jagjit Soni

Thank you Hospital Guide for your help in arranging the meeting for a very satisfying consultation for my brothers elbow injury- he has had a ORIF (surgical procedure to put together a supracondylar humerous fracture) and is currently in physiotherapy to regain normal movement. Our consulting doctor- Dr Vikas Gupta who is part of a rare breed of hand and elbow specialists was not only very objective & thorough but had a huge "human" element as well- We feel very positive and confident that my brother is in good hands.

- Neha Verma

I am a big believer in the Hospital Guide model, and have benefited tremendously at a personal level from it. They are incredibly professional in managing the requests, and do repeated follow-ups just to make sure everything's done right. Recently, a friend wanted to consult a Urologist and had exhausted all options in Delhi as well as Bangalore. Most doctors gave strong antibiotics without any other root cause analysis. Hospital Guide recommended Dr. Poonawala in Bangalore, and he was just amazing. Recommended purely natural treatment with some lifestyle changes, with no antibiotics. And apparently, it works! This just illustrates the power of validated user reviews in healthcare. Hospital Guide is just an amazing service that is touching the lives of hundreds of people every month!

- Amit Sharma

I want to thank you for such great help you gave me. Living in assam it is so difficult to get medical help.Hospital Guide guided us to the right doctors and the best is they also fixed the appointments too.We are in best hands now. No more running around.All my friends and relatives are very satisfied by their guidance.Hope many more can join Hospital Guide to have a healthy time. Please keep it up.

- Vandana Agarwal Goyal

Hospital Guide has been of great help to me in my difficult times of medical issues, wherein I didn't know what to do, whom to ask for guidance, how to meet the right doctors & many more. Having failed several attempts to cure my father in law of his severe Migraine problem, I finally took the help of Hospital Guide. They helped me line up visits with top Neurologists in Delhi. Appointments were also scheduled for me. With an aged patient I was able to meet two top Neurologists in Delhi with much ease. He is much better now. An appointment with a senior Oncologist was also organised by Hospital Guide for another case in the family. The Doctor had come to Jaipur only for a conference but I was able to meet him with the reports of the patient and receive his comments and guidelines. The immediate attendants of the patient, including me, were so relieved and felt that we have already won half the battle with the disastrous cancer. Thanks to Hospital Guide for all its support and help, for it was they who got me in direct touch with the doctor. I still go back to this source for any help required for friends and family.

- Anupama Bajaj

Hospital Guide is a wonderful resource that has helped me with a lot of medical needs. Just last year, my uncle was struggling with the last stage of cancer. Since he had already been financially drained by the illness, he had very little left for palliative care. Not knowing what else to do, I contacted Hospital Guide and asked them to find me a charitable organization that would extend support and care for a patient dying of cancer. Within 24 hours, they gave me the contact details of a wonderful organisation that perfectly fit our needs- and were ethical as well! I would recommend this service to anyone looking for a recommended doctor or any kind of medical advise.

- Insiyah Vahanvaty

I am member of numerous Facebook groups and have come across quite a few more. Mostly groups loose subjectivity as well as objectivity after a certain point of time. Hospital guide is most certainly out of the league and has created quite a stir. I never knew about Hospital Guide before a friend added me to the group but today I'm very happy and proud to be a part of this forum. Hospital Guide is not just very professional but also very compassionate and played the anchor role in the proper treatment of my mother by providing consultancy, selection of the right hospital and doctors and co-ordinating the whole exercise. How they manage such a large group personally with absolutely no remuneration is a big mystery to me. I congratulate Hospital guide and hope they shine like a silver lining in the dark Horizon. I wish Hospital Guide all the success in their humane endeavor and assure them my support, I'll be happy if I can be of any help to Hospital Guide. Please continue your effort on the mantra of "Healthy living for all". Thanks a ton!

- Sundeep Kedia