Hospital Guide Foundation (HGF)- For a Stronger Healthier Rural India! (NGO- a company under Section 8, Registered under sections 12A & 80G)


Inspired by Gandhiji’s quote “The future of India lies in its villages” Hospital Guide Foundation (HGF) has been working towards strengthening India’s villages with a focus on rural health. With the concentration of Doctors in the Urban areas and more than two-thirds of Indians living in villages, there is a huge shortage of Doctors in the rural areas. (A shortfall of 79.9% specialists)

The major disease burden in India resides in Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) such as Heart and Lung diseases, Stroke, Cancer & Diabetes. Nearly 5.8 million people in India die due to NCDs making it a leading cause of deaths. The majority of premature NCD deaths are preventable. NCDs cause considerable loss in potentially productive years of life and hence inflicting a burden on the socio-economic development of India, with the pattern in rural India looking largely similar to that in urban India. (High blood pressure, affects one in five adults in rural India, while diabetes affects about one in 20 adults.)
The situation is further exacerbated with poor penetration of health insurance coupled with an inadequate public health infrastructure in rural areas. The vulnerable are further plunged into poverty, due to heavy out of pocket expenses to access private healthcare, that is if they can afford it in the first place at all.

HGF ensures comprehensive Quality Healthcare is accessible in the rural areas with a focus on Non-Communicable Diseases free of cost, using Telemedicine as a tool, thus addressing the challenges of accessibility and affordability. It works with an effort to have a sustainable impact supported by Corporate Social Responsibility and is currently working in Western Uttar Pradesh, impacting masses of people annually and hoping to hit a million by 2025, by expanding to the entire state and then entire country.

For effective last mile connectivity, HGF works with the Pradhans of the villages with a two-pronged strategy of spreading awareness followed by action. It uses Telemedicine as an enabler to address the gap where there is a lack of sufficient Doctors in the rural areas. To have a sustainable and successful Telemedicine program, HGF deploys a holistic approach with seamless processes and optimal technology hence achieving better results. It ensures tests, medicines, counseling is given (about the process, disease & treatment), right expectations are set, ensures compliance with (tests, medicines & life style) and pro-active follow ups. Multiple touch points are managed seamlessly between patients, nurses, Doctors and telemedicine specialists for enabling a great healthcare experience against a harsh backdrop of poor infrastructure be it roads, electricity or internet. Hence optimal technology is deployed for a superior Doctor-Patient experience as the quality of communication has a direct impact on the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.

Regular Health camps are conducted to drive awareness and reach the masses. Post the health camps, patients are linked to HGF’s telemedicine program to ensure continuum of care.

HGF’s focus on quality processes and alliances with the best institutes such as AIIMS, National Heart Institute, Sita Ram Bhartia Institute of Research & Sciences, Dr Dang’s Path lab, Sharda Hospital has ensured that the best is provided.

Being the most stringent form of an NGO (licensed by the Govt of India, Company U/S 8 for charitable purposes) only reinforces the core values it stands for Ethics, Competence and Compassion. It has been featured by many prominent media houses like Economic Times, India Today, Hindu, etc. and internationally covered by BMJ Innovations (British Medical Journal). The Advisory Board comprises of stalwarts like Dr. M.C. Misra, Ex Director with AIIMS (appointed on HGF's Advisory Board on approval of the Union Health Ministry while he was the Director) handholding HGF through all its processes to ensure quality delivery. The Director of HGF, Indiritta is an Oxford Graduate with a PG Diploma in Medical Law & Ethics from the National Law School, Bangalore, who works relentlessly towards achieving HGF’s dream of a Stronger Healthier Rural India.

A case study of HGF’s work featured in a top Medical Journal and a success letter from the Government of Uttar Pradesh is a testament to the quality of work being done on the ground. However, the truest and most rewarding testament is from the patients itself!