Hospital Guide Foundation (HGF)- For a Stronger Healthier Rural India! (NGO- a company under Section 8, Registered under sections 12A & 80G)

Service Disclaimer

These terms and conditions of use constitute a legal agreement between you and Hospital Guide Foundation (HGF). Your use of this Site constitutes your acceptance of the Terms and Disclaimers.

This Site is owned and operated by Hospital Guide Foundation. All of the content featured or displayed on this Site, including, but not limited to, text, graphics, photographs, images, illustrations, user testimonials, expert comments and endorsements is hosted by Hospital Guide Foundation and is protected under copyright, moral right, intellectual property and trademark rights and there are no other licensors or partners.

Hospital Guide Foundation respects your ability to make informed choices and your discretion in using the information available to you on this website. The access to and the use of this site and the information contained therein is at one's own risk and responsibility. The contents of this site are neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice and/or practice.

Hospital Guide Foundation neither will be liable, responsible nor have any control over the actual treatment to be carried in pursuant to the advice given by Hospital Guide Foundation.

Hospital Guide Foundation does not accept any responsibility or cannot be held liable for any action for damages or defamation in the event of redressal of medical negligence.

Hospital Guide Foundation does not address emergencies, in case of an emergency situation contact your nearest hospital.

Hospital Guide Foundation may assist any person in relation to redressal of grievance towards medical negligence but Hospital Guide Foundation does not accept any responsibility or will not be held liable for any interactions or discussions held at the site or any comments given by any person during the discussions, for or against any person or any consequential damage caused to any person arising out of the said redressal.

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"Hospital Guide Foundation", is a registered NGO under section 8 for charitable purposes. All insignia and trademarks, logos and service marks appearing on the site are trademarks of their respective owners. Nothing contained on the Site should be construed as granting, by implication, or otherwise, any license or right to use any Trademark displayed on the Site without the written permission of its respective owner. Your use of the Trademarks displayed on the Site except as provided in these Terms is strictly prohibited.

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